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Pietro Rampazzo


Movi by Mobike (Analytics)

The research focus on leveraging Movi (formely Mobike Italy) data, a free floating bike sharing system, to study urban mobility in Padova (Italy), through descriptive and cluster analysis.


I Want to Ride my Bicycle: Leveraging Mobike Data to Study Mobility in Padova, Italy


Co-authors: Katherine Hoffmann Pham (UN Global Pulse), Francesco Rampazzo (University of Oxford), Francesco Silvestri (Università degli Studi di Padova).

Living in Denmark

Moving is not always easy, and moving to a new country can be even more challenging if the main language is not your mother tongue. Over time, I have expanded this list, initially with resources for finding places to live in Copenhagen, and occasionally adding other useful resources and websites.

I maintain this list on GitHub to make it easier for people to settle into life in Denmark.


OpenStreetMap POIs

This Python package allows to query OpenStreetMap API using OverPy and retrieve all nodes and ways included in a area. It is possible to load a list of polygons using GeoPandas (JSON, GeoJSON, Shapefile are supported) and loop through them.

The goal is to associate for every area a list of POIs retrived from OpenStreetMap. The query will be performed on the bounding box built around the given polygon.



Due to COVID-19, CoderDojo Padova decided to conduct its activities online during the lock-down in Italy. We teamed up with several clubs all over Italy and we reached almost 60 participants. I contributed to develop VirtualDojo.

This is open source platform which wraps Jitsi Meet through its public API and offers a realtime dashboard where it is possible to manage multiple users and rooms.


200 Metri da Casa

During the COVID-19 lockdown, people living in the region of Veneto were allowed to walk around a radius of 200 meters from their house. This webpage renders a map with their location and the allowed area. / GitHub

Impact: Ca' Foscari University of Venice - Il Mattino di Padova - Il Gazzettino - Vvox - Prima Venezia - Runner's World - Corriere dello Sport

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